Summer Hair Care: Your Warm Weather Hair Guide

Summer in Australia is just around the corner, and that means spending more time outdoors as well as perhaps using more product on your hair as you get ready for various end of year parties and festivities. For most people, summer takes the biggest toll on their hair out of all of the seasons. As a professional hair salon on the upper North Shore, we always encourage our clients to take extra care of their hair during the warmer months!

Some of our very best summer hair care tips include:

Hair Sunscreen

Yes, you heard that right! Sunscreen is not only for your skin, it can also be used for your hair! The sun can really damage your hair if you don’t protect it in the hot summer months. There are tons of hair sunscreen products out there that come in the form of shampoos, conditioners, masks, and more.

Focus On Conditioning Products

Your hair tends to get dryer in summer, so try and condition a little more than you would usually do so, and buy moisturising shampoo and conditioning formulas to add some moisture back into your hair.

Always Rinse After Swimming

In summer you are bound to swim more than usual. Whether you are swimming in the ocean or in a swimming pool, ensure that you rinse your hair after you’re done swimming. Chlorine and salt water can damage your hair over time.

Wear A Hat

If you want to protect your colour from the sun, as well as your skin, you should try to wear a wide-brimmed hat that covers the top of your head whenever you spend long periods of time in the sun.

Don’t Forget To Trim

Start off the summer free from split ends. Trimming your hair just before the hot summer months will help keep your hair in great shape.

Are you looking for a hair salon on the upper North Shore to take care of your hair this summer? Try out the Envy Room in Gordon! Give us a call on (02) 9499 9880 or book an appointment online with one of our expert hair technicians today!